
Let us understand about the webhook

A webhook is a method used to automatically transfer data from NeoDove to another application as it happens in real-time.

Essentially, it is a way for NeoDove to provide other applications with real-time information.

Webhooks are typically used to notify your system of an event or change that occurred, without the need for your system to constantly poll for updates.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Setup: You configure a NeoDove webhook by providing a URL endpoint on any of your particular software's or application's server where you want to receive data.

  2. Trigger: An event occurs in the source application (e.g., a new lead gets created or updated, an order is placed, a payment is processed).

  3. Notification: NeoDove makes an HTTP request (usually a POST) to the webhook URL, sending data about the event in the requested application.

  4. Processing: Your particular application's server receives the data and processes it according to your needs (e.g., updating a database, sending a notification, triggering a workflow).


Imagine you have an e-commerce website and you want to keep your inventory system updated in real-time when an order is placed. You can set up a webhook in your NeoDove portal that triggers an HTTP POST request to your inventory system’s URL endpoint whenever a new order is placed. The inventory system receives the order details and adjusts the stock levels accordingly.


  • Real-time Data Transfer: Immediate notification and data transfer as events occur.

  • Efficiency: Reduces the need for constant polling or checking for updates, saving bandwidth and resources.

  • Automation: Enables automatic and seamless workflows between NeoDove and different applications and services.

Last updated