Assigned to me

What kinds of tasks fall under the category "Assigned to me"?

The tasks that were directly assigned to the user are visible under the "Assigned to me" section.

Let's explore the steps to view the tasks assigned to you:

  1. Log in to your NeoDove web application.

  2. Select the 'Task' option from the left-hand side of the screen.

  3. Next, click on the 'Assigned to me' option.

  4. Afterward, all the tasks assigned to you by other users will be visible on your screen.

  1. To review the details of a task assigned to you, click on that specific task. Subsequently, you can click on "Edit" to add comments and update the status of the task.

  1. After adding the desired comments for that specific task and selecting the updated status, click on the "Update" option at the bottom to have the status updated for that particular task.

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