Facebook Business Manager Account

Let us understand the overview of the Facebook Business Manager Account

What is a Facebook Business Manager Account?

With Facebook Business Account, any individual can manage all the business related activities which can be performed on META, Business Page, Ad Accounts, Whatsapp Accounts and Instagram Accounts.

All of these can be managed through Facebook Business account.

How to create a FB Business Manager Account?

  • Go to this page of Meta - (https://business.facebook.com/overview)

  • Click ‘Create Account

  • Enter a name for your business, your name and work email address and click ‘Next

  • Enter your business details and click ‘Submit’

What is the difference between a Business account and a Facebook account?

If you don't want a personal Facebook profile, you can sign up for a business account, specifically designed for people who want to manage advertisements and pages without having a personal profile.

Business profiles have limited access to personal profiles and cannot communicate with them, except when using a page.

Last updated