September 2024

Product Updates of September 2024

NeoDove came up with the following updates in the month of September

Text Formatting in Engagement Form on "Text" Type Question Only

With this update we have introduced the text field functionality in the engagement form data field types with the help of which now you can implement text formatting options for “Text” (formerly called paragraph) type field while creating or editing the engagement form.

The feature will enable users to format text as Bold, Italics, Underlined, or clear formatting.

Raising Purchase Request - Billing and Subscription

In the billing and subscription module we have redesigned the UI and added a raise purchase request. This CTA will help the customers in raising a new purchase or renewal request directly from the portal to the NeoDove team.

With the help of this feature the user can either raise a new purchase request or renew an existing service. This request is communicated to the respective CSM through a mail.

In the new design the invoices would be shown, invoices can be downloaded based on the financial year.

Repositioning of Feedback Button

With the help of this change our aim is to increase the visibility of the feedback icon which was initially inside the support icon.

Webhook CTA Removal

This change is mainly implemented for the better visibility of webhooks where we have added a card for webhooks alongside the custom integration.

Dashboard - Filter Enhancements

With this update our aim is to give the user more flexibility with the filter on the dashboard.

We have introduced an option of custom date range where we have provided the users with the ability to analyze the leads for custom date ranges for the last 30 days.

Filter selection will now be persisted which means even of the user logs out, the selection will be saved for when he comes the next time to the platform.

Table Components

We are adding additional functionalities in reports as part of table enhancement to help analyze the data better.

  • Add/hide columns

  • Drag & drop column

  • Adjust the width of the column

Redirect Users to WA, Voice Blast & SMS Services of the NeoDove

Clients can easily book a demo for integration of other services in NeoDove such as Whatsapp API, SMS, Voice blast. We have introduced these options on the left panel.

Collapse The Left Menu

We are adding the ability to collapse the left menu in the web portal for both admin & dialer portal. With the help of a click you can easily collapse or expand the menu.

User Call Report

We have bifurcated the existing user call report into a pure user call report and a user lead disposition report since the name was currently misleading to the user.

In the user call report we have the details of number of calls made, the types of calls, and call durations.

User Lead Disposition Report

This report is extracted from the current existing user call report where all the columns that were related to lead disposition will be present in this report.

Message Activity Report

With this report our aim is to give the admin the ability to analyze the count of whatsapp messages, emails and sms sent by the users. This is a new report.

User Activity Report

With this report our aim is to give the admin the ability to analyze the productivity of the agents in terms of break information and calling information. This is also a new report.

Campaign report: Date Range Filter

With this our aim is to give the user the ability to analyze the campaign report in a specific date range.

Reports UI Design

We have redesigned the report main page. With three sections of all reports, recently viewed and favorite reports we have given the user easy access to all his reports at one place. Additional abilities to customize columns within each report, download each report, etc.

Last updated