User Report

Details of calling, dispositions and activity of each user are presented in this report

This report offers a thorough analysis of user-related metrics, including call history, disposition outcomes, and overall activity.

By examining these elements, the report provides valuable insights into user behavior and performance trends, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

The data presented aims to enhance understanding of user engagement, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall operational efficiency.

To view, the User Report follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Reports" option from the left-hand tab of your screen.

  1. A new window will appear, where you need to click on the first option from the top that is the "User Report".

  1. Then another window will appear with the complete calling, disposition & activity details of each and every users.

The data can be further filtered in multiple ways for better analysis:

  1. Date Wise:

  1. Reporting Manager Wise:

  1. Users Wise:

User Report View Option:

This option allows you to customize the visibility of specific columns on the dashboard for your analysis, downloading, or sharing.

You can select or unselect particular columns based on the data you want to focus on in the report.

This flexibility ensures that only the relevant information is displayed or shared, helping you tailor the report to meet your specific needs.

By selecting columns according to your requirements, you can streamline your analysis and make data-driven decisions more efficiently.

Last updated