WhatsApp API Integration

Learn how to integrate your NeoDove account with Whatsapp API

This WhatsApp API integration enables you to integrate your WhatsApp API account with NeoDove.

You’ll be able to view all the leads generated from WhatsApp API on NeoDove.

Features that come with WhatsApp API integration

  • Make every lead count - Any lead who enquires for your services through your Whatsapp API campaign, gets captured automatically into your NeoDove campaign, ensuring zero lead leakage.

  • Stop entering leads manually - Lead gets captured and mapped automatically, thereby eliminating the effort of entering each lead detail manually.


  1. Log in to your NeoDove account (https://connect.neodove.com/login).

  2. Go to the Integrations section, present on the left side-bar of your screen.

  1. Once clicked, then need to click on the "Whatsapp API" option.

  1. A menu bar will appear, select the campaign for which you want to integrate your Whatsapp API.

  1. Now, click on the Submit button. The integration has been created in NeoDove successfully.

  2. To activate this integration, you need to send some details via e-mail to the Whatsapp API team.

  3. The details of this integration are present under this integration on Active Integration page. Just click on the created integration to view the details.

  1. Details will appear, Copy these details and you need to send these complete details to your WhatsApp API team to send the lead details on NeoDove API.

  2. Your integration will be activated by the WhatsApp API team.

Last updated