Not Connected
If the call was "Not-Connected"
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If the call was "Not-Connected"
Last updated
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If the call was not connected, click the "Not Connected" button.
Did not pick
Busy in another call
User disconnected the call
Switch off
Out of Coverage Area / Network issue
Call not connected / call not be completed
Other reason
Incorrect / Invalid Number
Incoming calls not available
Number not in use / does not exists / out of service
After selecting the reason, you will find a few more options below for choosing the follow-up date and the two optional choices, which can be selected if needed i.e., ‘Re-assign this lead to other user’ and ‘Copy lead to other campaign’.
After choosing and selecting all the options, click on "Submit" to dispose of the lead.
Note: For 'Not Connected' leads, if you wish to make the follow-up option mandatory, go to the Admin Portal and access the Settings option from the extreme left bottom of the screen. Enable the option called "Follow-ups to be mandatory for Not Connected Leads" accordingly.